Tuesday, 3 June 2014

I had the sweetest conversation with Little Lady the other night.

The children were at their NaiNai's (paternal grandmother's) while I was at work and had just returned home. Before I could ask, she volunteered: "Meimei had fun (at) Nainai's house." When asked what she did, she responded with "Nap" and "Play"

A short while later, she pointed at my top (a striped one I haven't worn in a long time) and said 'Nice!' After a thoughtful pause, she said 'Mummy rainbow'.

My baby is growing up!

Little Lady: 1 year 10 months

Time For A Cuppa #4


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  8. A Cuppa For Mama - Time For A Cuppa

Sunday, 1 June 2014


Little Man turned four today.


How did that happen? Where did the time go? It seemed like not so very long ago that my water broke just as I tried to change by position in bed early in the morning. When he arrived, he was so alert and aware.

One day old.

In some ways, nothing much has changed. He is still very vocal, and is a happy, cheerful and smiley boy.

However, so much has changed. He is now attending nursery, is fully potty trained, has a favourite colour, tells wonderful stories and his own opinions about everything!

Having him has taught me patience and to have more empathy. He has given me joy I never thought possible. Every day is an adventure and I am learning more about, and through him all the time.

Don't grow up so fast, Little Man. Mummy can't keep up!

This year, for the first time, we had a party at home for him. Previously, we had celebrated by having lunch at a restaurant with the grandparents, uncles and aunts. This time, we decided to have a small party at home with the same guests.

It was a simple affair loosely themed around Buzz Lightyear. Very loosely themed. Basically, it extended to the invitations and colour scheme. He also wore his Buzz T-shirt. I had bought Buzz and Alien cookie presses, but did not make the cookies in the end.

With the grandparents.

Family picture!

Still, I managed to bake a cake. Two, actually. I had baked one for his celebration at school earlier in the week as well.

Celebration at school.

In line with tradition, I had his cake topper custom-made. I love the look of fondant cakes and how the decoration can be customised any way you like. However, I am unwilling to get fondant cakes for two main reasons. 1) Fondant tastes pretty yucky. 2) As they are made of sugar, the decorations, however fantastic they look, have to be thrown away. Furthermore, they are costly. I am unwilling to pay that much for something that does not taste good, and can only be enjoyed for a brief moment, and only in photographs thereafter.

So I have cake toppers custom-made. They are made of polymer clay, and every year, they feature some things that are special to Little Man. This year's topper featured a marble run (marble race), a pink pig (Elly the mammoth from Ice Age), the binomial cube, some paints and blocks.

Does he like his cake and topper?

I think he does!

Happy Birthday, Son. Mummy loves you soooo much and is so proud of you.

Little Man: 4 years