Tuesday, 11 November 2014

First Professional Haircut

Normally, the children have their hair cut either by my Mum or myself. For Little Man, this usually involves an iPad or a movie on the TV, with his shirt off and powder on hand. As I'm no professional, it usually takes me quite a while. The results vary, depending on how cooperative he was that particular session. The results range from great to very patchy.

My Mum cuts Little Lady's hair as I have absolutely no confidence to do so, being more familiar with boys' hair.

However, with my cousin's wedding looming, and Little Man with his role as the ring bearer, I figured that he should finally go for a professional haircut, given our previous inconsistency.

First in the toy train chair was Little Man. I was a little apprehensive about how he would react as he did not always take kindly to having his hair cut. He refuses to have anything around his neck, and would be disturbed by the hair falling on him (hence the powder).
A little ticklish.

Facinated with the apron.

Keeping his ears safe.

A little concerned.

The finished look.

Next, it was Little Lady's turn. I was less worried about her reaction.
It started well.

So far so good. Losing the length.

A little concerned.

I think she has had enough.

"I don't like the hair dryer!"

"I really don't like it!"

The finished product. (Taken on a separate day.)

How did your kiddos take to their first haircut?

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Two Saturdays ago, my cousin got married.

Little Man was the ring bearer. Here he is looking dapper.

We had arrived at the church a little earlier so that the children could get comfortable before the crowd arrived.
With his cousin the flower girl.

A nice moment between the beautiful bride, the flower girl and the father of the bride/grandfather of the flower girl.
Little Man did really well walking down the aisle.

The wedding banquet that night was a delicious affair at the Grand Hyatt. I thought the open concept kitchen was really cool. I had never seen that at a banquet before.

What was really fun was the photo booth that was set up. Lots of nice, fun, wacky photos.

Congratulations, Shulin and Lionel! Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness!
Two Saturdays ago, my cousin got married.

Little Man was the ring bearer. Here he is looking dapper.

We had arrived at the church a little earlier so that the children could get comfortable before the crowd arrived.
With his cousin the flower girl.

A nice moment between the beautiful bride, the flower girl and the father of the bride/grandfather of the flower girl.
Little Man did really well walking down the aisle.

The wedding banquet that night was a delicious affair at the Grand Hyatt. I thought the open concept kitchen was really cool. I had never seen that at a banquet before.

What was really fun was the photo booth that was set up. Lots of nice, fun, wacky photos.

Congratulations, Shulin and Lionel! Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness!

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Time For A Cuppa: Toddler and Preschooler Art

Some time back, there was an online quiz testing if we could tell the difference between modern abstract art and art done by toddlers. I am proud to say that I completely nailed that quiz! No, I am not an Art expert, nor did I study art in the university (nor at any stage, for that matter). I am, however, a mother of two, and I know toddler art well!

Here four pieces from my kiddos, for my brother and sister-in-law's birthdays earlier this month.

Little Lady (crayon and watercolour paint straight from the tube, applied with fingers):

Little Man (crayon and watercolour)

Little Lady: 2 years 2 months
Little Man: 4 years 3 months

Grab my bagde!
A Cuppa For Mama - Time For A Cuppa

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Road Safety Community Park

Many, many (many) years ago, when I still in primary school, one of the more anticipated school excursions was the one to the Road Safety Community Park at East Coast Park, where pupils would learn about road safety. The topic, while important, can be boring and dry, unless it was held at the Road Safety Community Park! Here, after the somewhat boring briefing, we were split into groups of pedestrians, cyclists or car drivers where we would put theory into practice! Of course, everyone wanted to be a cyclist, or better yet, a driver, because we would then be able to drive a go-kart! I was not one of the lucky ones, and got to be a pedestrian.

I'm not sure when, but sometime between then and now, the Road Safety Community Park was opened to the public. (Ok, M. Google informs me that the park is open to the public whenever training sessions are not scheduled since 2010.)

We brought the Little Ones, with their kick scooters there one evening. They had great fun, especially Little Man. He really enjoyed being able to scoot on the 'road'.

Pulling into the bus bay (as a bus) to pick up passengers.

Little Man topping up petrol at the Shell station.

He also visited the workshop for servicing, and got his vehicle inspected at Viacom. (Sorry, no pictures. I really need to work on that.)

Little Lady was more interested in going up and down the overhead bridge. (I think she was very pleased that the hand-rail was at a height she could manage.)

We mainly 'worked' on going in the correct direction, and stopping at pedestrian crossings. The traffic lights were not operational, so we just pretended that they were red. Little Man got such a kick out of me thanking him for stopping to let me cross at a zebra crossing, he insisted that I cross every single one he came across, even if he was way ahead of me. Lol.

Waiting for the trigger happy pedestrian to cross the road.

I think its fantastic that they opened this place up to the public. In addition to providing chiidren a place to learn and practice being safe road users, it is also a tranquil place where young children can safely enjoy East Coast Park, away from the crowds, and the serious cyclists, joggers and bladers.

Little Man: 4 years 3 months
Little Lady: 2 years 2 months

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

I had the sweetest conversation with Little Lady the other night.

The children were at their NaiNai's (paternal grandmother's) while I was at work and had just returned home. Before I could ask, she volunteered: "Meimei had fun (at) Nainai's house." When asked what she did, she responded with "Nap" and "Play"

A short while later, she pointed at my top (a striped one I haven't worn in a long time) and said 'Nice!' After a thoughtful pause, she said 'Mummy rainbow'.

My baby is growing up!

Little Lady: 1 year 10 months

Time For A Cuppa #4


Time For A Cuppa is a weekly link-up here at A Cuppa For Mama. There is no set topic.  Simply grab your beverage of choice, link your post and visit the other linked posts.  I only ask that it is:

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  8. A Cuppa For Mama - Time For A Cuppa

Sunday, 1 June 2014


Little Man turned four today.


How did that happen? Where did the time go? It seemed like not so very long ago that my water broke just as I tried to change by position in bed early in the morning. When he arrived, he was so alert and aware.

One day old.

In some ways, nothing much has changed. He is still very vocal, and is a happy, cheerful and smiley boy.

However, so much has changed. He is now attending nursery, is fully potty trained, has a favourite colour, tells wonderful stories and his own opinions about everything!

Having him has taught me patience and to have more empathy. He has given me joy I never thought possible. Every day is an adventure and I am learning more about, and through him all the time.

Don't grow up so fast, Little Man. Mummy can't keep up!

This year, for the first time, we had a party at home for him. Previously, we had celebrated by having lunch at a restaurant with the grandparents, uncles and aunts. This time, we decided to have a small party at home with the same guests.

It was a simple affair loosely themed around Buzz Lightyear. Very loosely themed. Basically, it extended to the invitations and colour scheme. He also wore his Buzz T-shirt. I had bought Buzz and Alien cookie presses, but did not make the cookies in the end.

With the grandparents.

Family picture!

Still, I managed to bake a cake. Two, actually. I had baked one for his celebration at school earlier in the week as well.

Celebration at school.

In line with tradition, I had his cake topper custom-made. I love the look of fondant cakes and how the decoration can be customised any way you like. However, I am unwilling to get fondant cakes for two main reasons. 1) Fondant tastes pretty yucky. 2) As they are made of sugar, the decorations, however fantastic they look, have to be thrown away. Furthermore, they are costly. I am unwilling to pay that much for something that does not taste good, and can only be enjoyed for a brief moment, and only in photographs thereafter.

So I have cake toppers custom-made. They are made of polymer clay, and every year, they feature some things that are special to Little Man. This year's topper featured a marble run (marble race), a pink pig (Elly the mammoth from Ice Age), the binomial cube, some paints and blocks.

Does he like his cake and topper?

I think he does!

Happy Birthday, Son. Mummy loves you soooo much and is so proud of you.

Little Man: 4 years

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Review and Giveaway: Gymnademics

Little Lady and her absolute favourite activity - the trapeze.

I'm not really a kiasu/tiger mum (yet). Many parents I know send their children to numerous enrichment classes. Right-brain, left-brain, Maths, English, Chinese, Music, Art, Sports, etc, etc, etc, to give their kids a headstart. My children, on the other hand, got the short end of that stick. I believe in learning through play, so my kids have lots of unstructured play time.

However, as research has shown that children learn a lot before 6, I did not want to short-change them either, by not having them attend *any* classes at all, so when Little Man was younger, I signed him up for a few trial classes, both to see which he enjoyed, and to give him more stimulation (especially since I was not making my own flash cards, nor was I shelling out big bucks for ready made ones).

One class that hubby and I really liked was Gymnademics. Little Man loved it too! He wasn't so hot on the academic part to begin with, but he LOVED the physical and musical portions of the lessons. It was quite amusing to see him wandering around during the flashcard segment, and immediately taking a seat the second he heard the glockenspiel.

We liked it so much, it was never a question if Little Lady would be attending too. It was just a matter of when. Ideally, I would have liked to have had Little Lady attending classes regularly from about 8 months, around the same time that Little Man started. However, as Little Man was attending the afternoon session of kindergarten last year, it was logistically not feasible. However, now that he is in the morning session, Little Lady is attending Gymnademics regularly and loves it as much as her brother did!

Gymnademics is a unique baby class as they combine both the physical aspect ('gym') and intellectual/academics ('ademics'). The programme is based on the research of Glenn Doman, flashcard guru and baby/child brain researcher and clinician. In fact, it is the first and only intellectual and gym centre in Singapore that is affiliated with the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential (IAHP) which was founded by Glenn Doman.

Little Lady participating in some of the activities in class.

Basically, I like it as they do almost everything - physical development, music, some maths and vocabulary thrown in as well. This way, I only have to bring the kid to *one* class, as opposed to three or four. Thus, I cannot be accused of depriving my children of their childhood by over-scheduling them. (But mainly because I am lazy.)

Little Lady having a stroll during the relay race.

The sessions are somewhat long, at 1 hour and 15 minutes (the industry standard seems to be 45 minutes). However, they pack a whole lot of activities in, and the children have no time to be bored at all. ("But, but... children need time for unscheduled play!", I hear some of my imaginary friends protest. Worry not, they have plenty of that when they're not in class.)

Parents are encouraged to arrive about 15 minutes earlier, so that the children have time to warm up and get used to the environment. During this time, they can either have a go at the circuit, or play with some toys.

Playing with some toys before class.

As mentioned, the lessons combine physical and intellectual activities. In the intellectual portions, the children are exposed to vocabulary based on themes that are changed monthly, as well as music appreciation. This is done through word cards, picture cards, music note cards and manipulatives.

Matching words to the pictures.

Doing a head-stand during the gymnastics portion, and walking on the beam during the obstacle course.

The physical activities, which also follow the monthly theme, focus on balance, gross and fine motor skills, as well as tactile stimulation, all of which play critical roles in a young child's brain development.

Going through the obstacle course.

One point of interest is that they alternate the physical and intellectual portions.  This is because the physical activity gets them breathing deeply, which increases the level of oxygen to the brain. This then helps them to learn better.

Playing on the chime bars during the music portion of the class.

Lessons available cater for six main age groups: Bambino (5 months to a year), Crucero (9 months to 1.5 years), Pre-Fellow (1 - 2 years), Fellow (2 - 3 years), Launcher (3 - 4 years) and Virtuosi (4 - 5 years).

Gymnademics is giving away a Trial Pass (worth $58)!

This giveaway will run from 22 May to 30 May 2014 inclusive.  All entries will be verified against the entry criteria before the winner is announced.  This giveaway is only open to those residing in Singapore.

Outlet Details:
SAFRA Toa Payoh
293 Toa Payoh Lorong 6 #02-01 Singapore 319387
Tel: +65 6259 0307
Email: info@gymnademics.com

Operating hours:
Wednesday to Sunday: 9am to 5pm
(Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays)

Disclosure:  All opinions are my own.  Gymnademics did not sponsor any of the classes for the purpose of this review.